Monday, February 15, 2010

Another day

I am tired, so this will be quick. More drama @ work, with the same person. Dumb bitch. Why must people feel the need to try to ruin another persons work? If you have a problem, come to me, don't go to the boss; especially if it is as small as making a phone call, faxing one silly little form, etc. Fucking lame. This person is in quite a bit of hot water, so maybe they feel the need to try to take as many poeple down with them as possible....again, juvenile. How old are we?

Went to Salem today. Got quite a few things for very good deals. I have another little thing brewing, and will announce it when I have it all more organized. I don't want anyone local stealing my friends idea, of which she is sharing with me. I am hoping this becomes lucrative for us.

I am behind on laundry as usual, but I did get grocery shopping done. I spent a lot of money, Jenifer, you would be shocked. We don't have double coupons here, so there is not a lot of savings to be had here. I am glad there is Winco here, and that they are generally 30-50% cheaper than Safeway or Fred Meyer.

Like I said, I am quite tired, so I am going to bed now.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday...but my Monday.

Today was a good day. We stayed on time and the problem employee (we'll call her Michelle) was gone today. Unfortunately, one of our newer girls, a back up person to handle our overflow, was fired this weekend. Yea, she took a while to train, but she was just getting the hang of things, and was becoming more and more helpful everyday, and I was not the only one that felt that way. But, we don't make those types of decisions(or understand them for that matter), so we don't have a say.
There is a gal(we'll call her Jane) that is back working part-time, job sharing with another gal(we'll call her June). Jane had originally quit to travel with her husband while he was working, but June was wanting to spend some more time @ home with her child, so Jane stepped back in to help with that. Jane tells it like it straight up. She will tell you what she thinks without missing a beat. That's why I like her. Michelle tends to get rather upset if things aren't done her way while she is gone, and will let you know how she feels, has even yelled at a couple of fellow employees. I told Jane about that happening and she said "She can yell at me all she wants, cuz I am gonna yell back!" LOVE IT!!! Jane covered for Michelle today, and Michelle will not be back in the office till Thursday(we have rotating days off), so we will see how that goes.

Ok, I'm tired and yawning...Good Night!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday night.

It is Monday night, the last night of my 3 day weekend. I have 3 day weekends every week till the end of March. It is kinda cool, but sucks at the same time. Working the 4 ten hour days in a row is tiring. July,August and September we will be off on Fridays, which is ok cuz it will be the same day as my friend Lexa.

I got more laundry done, made french toast for dinner. French toast should be made with the thick bread only....not the regular thin stuff. And I like to put cinnamon in the egg mixture...yummy!! I can make pancakes from scratch too....I scratch the box open! HAHA!!

We are short another person at work again, which means our jobs will be more difficult again.. They let a girl go that had potential. I liked her and enjoyed training her. Ah the joys of having all the experience that I have.

I am done.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.....

Typical day. Grocery store, newspaper, laundry.

I hate the grocery store when it's busy. This is the cheap one in town, Winco, so just about everyone goes there. If you're gonna go on Sunday, you have to go (and get out) before noon. It seems all the church folk go there when they get out of church. Not a lot of old people; they go to the store early Monday morning (another day and time to avoid). I live in a university town, and the college kids go to the store on Sunday afternoon can tell who belongs to a Frat...they have 2-3 baskets full of empty beer containers to turn in for their nickel each. My daughter make a real funny joke last week; "Is there a portal that links Mexico to Winco? There is always so many of them here on Sundays." Now don't get me wrong...I understand they have to eat too, but you don't have to bring all 6 of your kids with you. And could you please keep your kids nasty, dirty, grimey, disgusting hands out of the bulk foods bins? I have seen all kinds of kids do that. I just don't buy the stuff within kids reach...they are nasty.

Newspaper is easy. It retails for $1.50, but I can get it at the dollar store for....wait for it....A DOLLAR!!!! It is right next to the front door and there is usually never anyone else in line...I'm in and out in under 2 minutes.

Laundry....oh gawd. So it's me, the hubby who is a helicopter mechanic, a 16 year old daughter and an almost 13 year old son. I wear scrubs too work, and try to take good care of them. I like to buy the better stuff, looks better, like I give a shit. (I hate those shapeless scrubs.) My scrubs get their own load. Hubbys clothes are downright nasty. Grease, dirt, oil, fuel, etc....he does not own a single shirt without a stain. He dirties them so bad, then wants to go buy new ones. Ok, lets go to Goodwill....But Noooooo! He wants to go to Wal-Mart and buy brand new ones. WTF? He's just gonna get them nasty....I am talking to the air.

Daughter just goes through so much shit, and doesn't pull her pant legs out, and leaves her socks all bunched up. I do NOT want to handle her nasty socks...or her undies for that matter. If I let her do it, she would end up wearing dirty clothes. And what kills me, is that she has enough clothes that she would not have to do laundry for a month if she wore something different everyday. I didn't have that much growing up;why do we spoil her?

The boy. Every week, I get clothes from him that are still folded from last weekend. Or I see things that I KNOW he has not worn in the past week. Since these have been sitting with the dirty stuff, I have to wash them again. Sometimes I think I was born to do laundry; I am sure I have another purpose, but I am not sure what that is...and I may never know.

It's a quarter to 9pm, I am yawning and have to get up @ 5:30am. They are presenting the Lombardi Trophy...who cares. Time to take my meds and go to La La Land. Woot Woot!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I am real new to this....

I always thought the idea of a blog was weird, but I guess we all need a place to air our thoughts and opinions. It has taken me a long time to finally decide to start one. I guess things that happen @ work are a motivation to post. And with that....

I love my job, don't get me wrong. What pisses me off is when one person get preferential treatment. For starters, I know we are not supposed to talk about how much we earn, but it has been leaked about what this person makes, and it is ridicously high...$3 more per hour that the highest earner. WTF is that all about? I have 15 more years experience than this person, and I am making less. I have asked for larger raises, without letting on that I know how much this person makes, and I get shined on....just like everyone else does.

To add insult to injury, this person works a huge amount of overtime, while the rest of us are scolded for working one or two hours of overtime per week. If someone is a single parent, and their children are at home alone, I would think they would want to get home....wouldn't you? Not this person....HELL NO!! This person, for a few weeks, was starting @ 7am and staying till about 9pm...4-5 days per week!!! And because this person was spending so much time @ work, they were spending a lot of time on the phone with their kids....even cussing @ them over her cell phone in front of clients!! Would you be able to get away with that?? Not me either! Does this person? OF COURSE!!!! The amount of money you bring home does not make you a better parent...being available to your kids is being a good parent.

The bullshit goes on and on. I am finding this somewhat therapeutic, so I may continue with this. There is always something else going on with this person that is pissing someone off, so I am sure I will have plenty to write about for quite some time.