Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday...but my Monday.

Today was a good day. We stayed on time and the problem employee (we'll call her Michelle) was gone today. Unfortunately, one of our newer girls, a back up person to handle our overflow, was fired this weekend. Yea, she took a while to train, but she was just getting the hang of things, and was becoming more and more helpful everyday, and I was not the only one that felt that way. But, we don't make those types of decisions(or understand them for that matter), so we don't have a say.
There is a gal(we'll call her Jane) that is back working part-time, job sharing with another gal(we'll call her June). Jane had originally quit to travel with her husband while he was working, but June was wanting to spend some more time @ home with her child, so Jane stepped back in to help with that. Jane tells it like it is...is straight up. She will tell you what she thinks without missing a beat. That's why I like her. Michelle tends to get rather upset if things aren't done her way while she is gone, and will let you know how she feels, has even yelled at a couple of fellow employees. I told Jane about that happening and she said "She can yell at me all she wants, cuz I am gonna yell back!" LOVE IT!!! Jane covered for Michelle today, and Michelle will not be back in the office till Thursday(we have rotating days off), so we will see how that goes.

Ok, I'm tired and yawning...Good Night!

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