Saturday, February 6, 2010

I am real new to this....

I always thought the idea of a blog was weird, but I guess we all need a place to air our thoughts and opinions. It has taken me a long time to finally decide to start one. I guess things that happen @ work are a motivation to post. And with that....

I love my job, don't get me wrong. What pisses me off is when one person get preferential treatment. For starters, I know we are not supposed to talk about how much we earn, but it has been leaked about what this person makes, and it is ridicously high...$3 more per hour that the highest earner. WTF is that all about? I have 15 more years experience than this person, and I am making less. I have asked for larger raises, without letting on that I know how much this person makes, and I get shined on....just like everyone else does.

To add insult to injury, this person works a huge amount of overtime, while the rest of us are scolded for working one or two hours of overtime per week. If someone is a single parent, and their children are at home alone, I would think they would want to get home....wouldn't you? Not this person....HELL NO!! This person, for a few weeks, was starting @ 7am and staying till about 9pm...4-5 days per week!!! And because this person was spending so much time @ work, they were spending a lot of time on the phone with their kids....even cussing @ them over her cell phone in front of clients!! Would you be able to get away with that?? Not me either! Does this person? OF COURSE!!!! The amount of money you bring home does not make you a better parent...being available to your kids is being a good parent.

The bullshit goes on and on. I am finding this somewhat therapeutic, so I may continue with this. There is always something else going on with this person that is pissing someone off, so I am sure I will have plenty to write about for quite some time.

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